Thank you for your generosity!
At 19, I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, this forever changed how I live. Managing diabetes might seem routine after years of practice, however when you are living with it daily it sometimes feels relentless. Diabetes influences every choice I make. From what I eat, to how I exercise, to even how I plan for my future, diabetes is constant.
I hope for a future when I, and the millions of people like me can live without the burden of diabetes. I am fundraising for the Diabetes Research Institute Foundation becuase their mission to provide funding for a cure offers me hope for a simpler future without diabetes.
The Diabetes Research Institute Foundation is the organization of choice for those who are serious, passionate and committed to curing diabetes. Its mission – to provide the Diabetes Research Institute with the funding necessary to cure diabetes now – is a testament to the belief that tomorrow is not soon enough to cure those living with diabetes.
Thank you for supporting me, your contribution, no matter the amount, is greatly appreciated!
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