Welcome to My Personal Page

Dear Loyal Family, Friends and New Supporters,
First and foremost thank you for your continued support, generous donations and love especially while I was going through the difficult episode of losing my leg 14 years ago and more recently a complete shoulder replacement and 2 days later an emergency triple bypass. If it was not for all of you, my support team, I am not sure where life would be right now. Much love!!
Living with T1D for 51 years, I start to look back especially at age 71. Wow, I have been through a LOT, the regular management issues, every hour of every day (1/2 million hours) along with the major complications I have endured. You know I have been heavely involved with diabetes advocacy, education, research and helping others deal. With this on my mind I am supporting DRIF because I want a CURE for my grandchildren and millions of others around the world. A Biological Cure is certainly around the corner. DRIF has been working diligently to accomplisg this. Take a look at diabetesresearch.org to see what the amazing group of scientisist and researchers are working on. Why aren't we all working together?
DRIF has also moved into a new era with a great new management team!! New CEO Michael Burton, New scientific Head Matthais von Herrath and Marketing guru Michael Myers. This team will bring us to new heights. I want my money and fundraising to go directly to the people I know will be working on a biological cure for different stages of diabetes.
In 2022 we were able to pass $35 insullin for Medicare community. I was honored to introduce President Biden in the Rose Garden as he announced the IRA package that is just the start of more changes to come. Very Rewarding.
I intend to get back on the Run, Walk, Ride Sept 14 at Cedar Creek Park.I have always been very positive about living with T1D, in fact I feel it has made me a better person. Yes, even after complications I still have never let it stop me from doing anything. It is a disease that tests you every hour of everyday, however you must educate yourself on how to do this. I find comfort in trying to help others. Today, I see so many great advances in the research of finding ways to better treat and cure T1D. The issue is we need funds to continue to do this.
I know many of you have already given generously to my cause. I graciously thank you and understand if you can’t give again. Please join the “Parant Team” — come ride, donate what ever you can, it is a cause I am passionate about. However, I will ask that you pass this along to others that might help. Especially those that have a connection to T1D and Type 2 diabetes..
So, I humbly ask you to donate to finding a biological cure for T1D. I would greatly appreciate it. Please pass along as social media is such a great way to reach others that may want to help in this endeavor.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Diabetes Research Institute Foundation is the organization of choice for those who are serious, passionate and committed to curing diabetes. Its mission – to provide the Diabetes Research Institute with the funding necessary to cure diabetes now – is a testament to the belief that tomorrow is not soon enough to cure those living with diabetes.
Thank you for supporting me, your contribution is greatly appreciated!
To join or donate go to-----http://teamdri.diabetesresearch.org/goto/bobparant2024

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