Welcome to My Personal Page and thank you for your support.
![Walk logo](../images/friendraiser_uploads/1190.1337451967.custom.jpg)
Dear Friends and Family,
Since 2009, when I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, I have raised money every year to find a cure for Diabetes. The Diabetes Research Institute does research to find a cure for Type 1 diabetes and during the last 15 years me and my friends, family and neighbors have been raising money to find a cure.
This year we have organized a bike,walk and run event for Sept 14th. at Cedar Creek park.
I will be starting at Cedar Creek Park located at 3340 Merrick Road Seaford, NY 11783. We are meeting at 8:30am at the Cyclist statue at the entrance of the path. The ride is on a path that is closed to cars. It is safe and mostly flat. All funds raised go directly to the DRI.
Thank you for your consideration.
![TeamRaiser Achievement Badge](../images/friendraiser_uploads/1190_1160_1120_1110_lg_1020.244230468.orig.png)
![TeamRaiser Achievement Badge](../images/friendraiser_uploads/lg_1000.868884241.orig.png)
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